0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 6, 2013 6:12 AM by vjsingh

    Resteasy not working in servlet containers using 1) @ApplicationPath 2) Custom URL Pattern in HttpServletDispatcher using "resteasy.resources"




      I am not sure whether this is the correct destination for the thread, but I did not find any other place.


      I am not being able to make Resteasy work with @ApplicationPath in servlet containers like Tomcat 7 or Jetty 8. My code is as follows:




      public class MyApplication extends Application {



                public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {


                          final Set<Class<?>> s = new HashSet<Class<?>>();


                          return s;







      public class ViewController {





                public String test() {

                          return "Yes!";





      Replacing Resteasy libs with jersey immediately solved the problem. Adding the following lines also did not resolve the problem:



















      Then I looked up the given examples and was able to make it work using:




















      Nevertheless, I don't want all of my URI to be fecthed via Resteasy. So I changed the url-pattern to "/rest/*" and it again stopped working.


      I would really like to know the following 2 things:

      1. Why does @ApplicationPath not work whereas it works seamlessly using Jersey.
      2. When using "resteasy.resources" why does any other url-pattern other than " /* " not work?


