1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 9, 2013 9:32 AM by lucaster

    [seam-security] DefinitionException WELD-000805 when @SecurityBindingType in a class that overrides a superclass' @PostConstruct


      When I deploy a sample project with the following classes in it, I get this at deploy time:

      org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException: WELD-000805 Cannot have more than one post construct method annotated with @PostConstruct for public@Named class org.lucaster.sandbox.problem.weld000805.controller.ConcreteBean


      Here is the code:


      public abstract class AbstractBean {



          public void postConstruct() {






      public class ConcreteBean extends AbstractBean {



          public void discord() {}




          public void postConstruct() {








      @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})

      public @interface Boom {




      public class Authorizer {




          public boolean isOk() {

              return true;




      Is this a bug?