4 Replies Latest reply on May 21, 2002 10:21 PM by pylet

    mySQL and XADataSource


      Since version 2.0.11 or so the mm.mysql JDBC driver supports the XADataSource interface. Now I wonder if I could write a mysql-service.xml file to setup a resource adapter with full XA transaction support for mySQL. If this is possible, how would it have to look like and would I benefit from it as opposed to only having LocalTransaction support with the current resource adapter setup for mysql that is shipped with jboss?

      Thanx for help

        • 1. Re: mySQL and XADataSource

          If you look closely, you will find that the mysql "xa" is a fake xa wrapper with no xa semantics. I think it's simpler to stick with the local wrapper where we know the sharing is appropriate within one transaction.

          • 2. Re: mySQL and XADataSource

            I just wondered if LocalTransaction means that if I have all my EntityBeans in one DBMS that transactions are fully supported.

            • 3. Re: mySQL and XADataSource

              As long as you don't include other things like transacted jms messages in the same transaction you will be fine. If you only use mysql local transactions are adequate.

              • 4. Re: mySQL and XADataSource

                > If you look closely, you will find that the mysql
                > "xa" is a fake xa wrapper with no xa semantics.

                Yes, as MySQL doesn't support XA (yet, I'm pushing for it). This XADataSource implementation was meant to be used where there were no other options, which is not the case in JBoss.