4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 15, 2013 3:00 PM by antestor

    Move file from fileshare to sftp


      I'm (incredibly) new to esb, and I'm trying to get a file from a fileshare and post it to an sftp location. Since the location I'm looking for the file is on the same box as the esb, I should be able to use the fs-provider to get the file, correct? We are a couple versions behind; currently using 4.5.GA. Is there a quickstart or other sort of tutorial process that emulates a similar process? Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: Move file from fileshare to sftp

          Hi antestor,


          Yes, you should be able to use the fs-provider to grab the file, and then it sounds like you want to use an ESB notifier (NotifyFTP) to post it to the sftp location.      Looking at past posts, sftp should work with NotifyFTP (https://community.jboss.org/thread/172004).

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          • 2. Re: Move file from fileshare to sftp

            I have the NotifyFTP notifier action, but the only thing happening is the file immediately gets ".esbERROR" appended to the file name. As soon as the esb service is started. There is no error in the log or any other message that the esb has done anything. I thought maybe it needed a scheduler, so I put a schedule-provider and cron expression in it, but same result. Any idea how to troubleshoot this without any input from the esb log?

            • 3. Re: Move file from fileshare to sftp

              Maybe post your jboss-esb.xml?     I don't know what's going on here, but I think the problem is in the listener itself.        Are all the directories that you've specified for directory/post-directory/error-directory valid and they exist?      Are there read/write permissions on the files you are trying to process?       Are you able to write to the post-directory/error-directory?

              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: Move file from fileshare to sftp

                I figured out what it was, and it was related to the listener and scheduler. I had the is-gateway to false for the fs-listener and i had the schedule-provider set, but my scheduleidref was not set. Rookie mistakes! Thanks for the help!