2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 22, 2013 2:28 PM by javacoryd

    Seam 2.3 Final @DataModel & @DataModelSelection


      We have a large Seam application we are porting to Seam 2.3 from 2.1.1.


      In many of our pages we have this setup:


      <rich:dataTable value="#{foundPersons}" var="searchResult">



            <s:link value="#{searchResult.someIdentifier()}" action="#{searchAction.selectPerson()}">






           More columns



      In the action class we have:



      private List<Person> foundPersons;



      private Person selectedResult;


      Prior to the upgrade, when you clicked the link the @DataModelSelection was populated with the selected person when the selectPerson() method was called.  With Seam 2.3 it isn't populated.


      Any hints as to why?



