0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 20, 2013 10:42 AM by milaw

    Arquillian and Maven 3, OSGi (equinox), blueprint, WAS 8...


      I lost myself in the space of Arquillian...


      Hi All,

      I'm new with arquillian and trying to make a test (for test ) with OSGi bundle...

      After few days, I got lost between dependencies, profile, container.... I need help.

      Someone can provide me a guideline to use arquillian with osgi?


      At the end, part of my project require to test bundles in websphere.

      I choose at first option to use arquillian...


      You can see below sample code that i used:




      public class SimpleServiceTest {


          public static Archive<?> createdeployment() {

                          final JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "deployment-arquillian")


                          archive.setManifest(new Asset() {

                                    public InputStream openStream(){

                                              OSGiManifestBuilder builder = OSGiManifestBuilder.newInstance();



                                              return builder.openStream();




                          return archive;



          public Bundle bundle;




          public void testClassTest() throws Exception {

              // Assert that the bundle is injected

              assertNotNull("Bundle injected", bundle);


              // Assert that the bundle is in state RESOLVED

              // Note when the test bundle contains the test case it

              // must be resolved already when this test method is called

              assertEquals("Bundle RESOLVED", Bundle.RESOLVED, bundle.getState());



              // Start the bundle


              assertEquals("Bundle ACTIVE", Bundle.ACTIVE, bundle.getState());




              // Stop the bundle


              assertEquals("Bundle RESOLVED", Bundle.RESOLVED, bundle.getState());





      with below dependencies:


      <!--  Arquillian  -->
















              <!-- JUnit  -->








              <!-- OSGi -->








                          <!-- OSGiManifestBuilder  -->


























































      and the xml :


      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <arquillian xmlns="http://jboss.org/schema/arquillian"






                        <property name="deploymentExportPath">target/</property>


                          <container qualifier="weld" default="true" />




      Thanks for your help!
