Hi community,
i am having trouble to get some test working, the examples don't help me, i can't get anything to work as i expect. I also started a question on stackoverflow, but there are not answers yet ... maybe here.
Here is the already created question, maybe someone else can anser this to me: Where do i find a living example with all four of them: jsfunit 2 (in beta2 or better), with current arquillian (1.0.2.Final
) and with TestNG ( i dont like JUnit anymore) by using maven!
More information here (pom.xml / test-class / error-stacktrace)
I don't want to have a real browser executing there tests, so i don't want to have selenium or anything related (no drone, no warp, unless you show me, how i can run tests without having a real browser).
would be nice to have some examples because that combination would be really cool (combined with sonar and jenkins its a goal i want to reach).