3 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2013 7:08 AM by rhusar

    jvmroute in domain clustering


      We have a JBoss 7 / EAP 6 Domain master running on server1 and a JBoss7 / EAP 6 slave running on server2. After the following we have a running domaincluster:


      [domain@ /] /profile=full-ha/subsystem=modcluster/mod-cluster-config=configuration:write-attribute(name=balancer, value="testbalancer")


          "outcome" => "success",

          "result" => undefined,

          "server-groups" => undefined



      [domain@ /] /server-group=test-server-group:add(profile=full-ha, socket-binding-group=full-ha-sockets, socket-binding-port-offset=0)


          "outcome" => "success",

          "result" => undefined,

          "server-groups" => undefined



      [domain@ /] /host=server2/server-config=testserver:add(auto-start=true, group=test-server-group, socket-binding-group=full-ha-sockets, socket-binding-port-offset=0)


          "outcome" => "success",

          "result" => undefined



      [domain@ /] /host=server2/server-config=testserver:add(auto-start=true, group=test-server-group, socket-binding-group=full-ha-sockets, socket-binding-port-offset=0)


          "outcome" => "success",

          "result" => undefined



      Only referring with a mod-cluster-manager page, we see that the server is registering it with

      Node 19ca1170-7171-38af-9954-13df0749dd1b


      I know I can tweak this by a <system-property>, but this seems only possible on a global schale (such that the JBoss slave running on server2), and not per server-config. Since we like to run various server-config's per physical slave server, my question is whether it is possible to tweak this value. I know it is possible, because I can easily make another server-config which gets another jvmroute.

        • 1. Re: jvmroute in domain clustering

          You can set the jvmRoute per server via the web subsystem.


          {code:xml}<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.2" instance-id="my-node-name"/>{code}

          • 2. Re: jvmroute in domain clustering

            Okay, I see:


            [domain@ /] /profile=test-fullha/subsystem=web:write-attribute(name=

            default-virtual-server   instance-id              native


            So I can set this property on the profile-level. But:


            [domain@ /] /host=server2/server-config=instance/

            interface         jvm               path              system-property




            [domain@ /] /host=fbewslave/

            core-service      interface         jvm               path              server            server-config     system-property


            So I can't use instance-id to refer to a single node in a cluster (or, in JBoss-EAP 6 lingo, a profile). I guess I should one of the system-property tags (either in server-config=instance) or /host=fbewslave).

            • 3. Re: jvmroute in domain clustering

              In a domain, since you are sharing one profile, you will indeed need to use a system property to differentiate the value between the nodes.


              You seem to know the rest. Configure instance ID to an expression:


              [domain@localhost:9999 /] /host=master/server=server-one/subsystem=web/:read-resource


                  "outcome" => "success",

                  "result" => {

                      "default-virtual-server" => "default-host",

                      "instance-id" => expression "${jboss.web.instance-id}",



              and configure the actual value for each host:


              [domain@localhost:9999 /] /host=master/server-config=server-one:read-resource(recursive=true)


                  "outcome" => "success",

                  "result" => {


                      "system-property" => {"jboss.web.instance-id" => {

                          "boot-time" => false,

                          "value" => "instanceOneJvmRoute"




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