0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 30, 2013 8:55 AM by ryuma

    Data not found - JMX monitoring Jboss AS 7



      - Jboss AS 7.1.1 Final

      - JMX Monitoring

      - Monitoring tool : Zabbix

      - OS : CentOS

      - JDK : 6/7


      Hi all,


      Now, i want to know how supervised Jboss with JMX. I succeed to recup some data with my JMX Agent and my Monitoring tool but i'm limited.

      I would recup data about web application deployed in Jboss but i don't found the Mbeans which indicate it.


      Moreover, in the other thread, peaple talk about "Jmx-console" at this url => http://localhost:8080/jmx-console

      But me, i cannot connect at this console. But the connection with Jconsole (JDK) is ok.


      If somebody know the ObjectName of the Mbean to recup information about API deploy in Jboss (status, name, ect...) and why i cannot connect at the jmx-console , please warn me .

