1. Re: JASPIC module not invoked after request#login
anil.saldhana Jan 30, 2013 10:54 AM (in response to atijms)arjan tijms wrote:
I've installed a JASPIC (JASPI/JSR 196) SAM (login module) in JBoss EAP 6.01. It works and is invoked whenever a protected resource is accessed.
However, when I call HttpServletRequest#login it's NOT invoked, and JBoss instead invokes the default file realm login module.
Any rationale for this behavior?
It may be a bug. Please create a JIRA issue in AS7.
2. Re: JASPIC module not invoked after request#login
atijms Jan 30, 2013 1:31 PM (in response to anil.saldhana)Anil Saldhana wrote:
arjan tijms wrote:
I've installed a JASPIC (JASPI/JSR 196) SAM (login module) in JBoss EAP 6.01. It works and is invoked whenever a protected resource is accessed.
However, when I call HttpServletRequest#login it's NOT invoked, and JBoss instead invokes the default file realm login module.
Any rationale for this behavior?
It may be a bug. Please create a JIRA issue in AS7.
Possiby. I forgot to mention btw that GlassFish and WebLogic also don't invoke the SAM after HttpServletRequest#login. So maybe they all have the same bug, or maybe it's a spec issue?
As you have been involved with JSR 196 for a long time, do you know if this issue ever came up in EG discussions? JASPIC was finished before Servlet 3 was finished (nearly 2 years between them), so maybe that's the cause?