3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 5, 2013 4:47 AM by kbielecki

    Script return code


      I've added script file using Script Server.

      Scripts is executing and have "green" status when in inventory tab only path to that script is filled,

      but when I set Availability Exit Code Regex or  Availability Output Regex to zero

      script is executing but his status is "red"

      Probably I set incorrect return status in my script but I've tried everythik.


      my script:


      @echo off


      TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:"E:\test_workshop\SVN_tests\Mobi\" /closeonend:1


      cd E:\test_workshop\SVN_tests\Mobi\


      pybot.bat test.txt > testresultfromCL.txt


      @echo on

      echo 0


      EXIT /B  0


      Is it correct?