1. Re: Seam Basic portlet shows Runtime error in gateIn Jboss AS7
kenfinni Jan 29, 2013 6:30 AM (in response to maran_su)I'm not sure if this is the only problem, but the Seam Portlet is built with Portlet Bridge 2.x
This version is only supported to run against JSF 1.x, whereas JBoss AS7 uses JSF 2.x by default for all JSF applications.
2. Re: Seam Basic portlet shows Runtime error in gateIn Jboss AS7
maran_su Jan 29, 2013 8:10 PM (in response to kenfinni)Thanks for your reply Ken Finnigan, If i want to import Seam portlet in GateIn with Jboss AS7 where do i get the working example which runs in JSF2.x. please suggest your idea.
3. Re: Seam Basic portlet shows Runtime error in gateIn Jboss AS7
kenfinni Jan 30, 2013 8:28 AM (in response to maran_su)There is no Seam 2.x portlet example that runs on JSF 2.x, as Portlet Bridge 3.x doesn't provide support for Seam 2.x
4. Re: Seam Basic portlet shows Runtime error in gateIn Jboss AS7
maran_su Feb 3, 2013 3:41 AM (in response to kenfinni)Hi Ken Finnigan , I am new to GateIn and Seam, It might be simple question sorry to ask again and again, Does PortletBridge support Seam 3.x ? if so i did't find any examples in portlet bridge 3.x download section. If i want to deploy Seam portlet in GateInJboss AS7 do i need to follow the following version JSF2.x, PortletBridge 3.x and Seam 3.x where is the example available? please suggest your idea.
5. Re: Seam Basic portlet shows Runtime error in gateIn Jboss AS7
kenfinni Feb 4, 2013 6:14 AM (in response to maran_su)Portlet Bridge 3.2.x supports CDI, as described here: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/PBR/CDI+Portlet+Development
It's still fairly new so there may still be issues that haven't been resolved, but for what has been tested it works as expected.
As it supports CDI, it would also support Seam 3.x as that is built using CDI.
In terms of a Seam Portlet example, there is not one for Seam 3.x. Though Portlet Bridge does have a CDI example portlet that could be extended for Seam 3: https://github.com/portletbridge/portletbridge/tree/master/examples/cdi-portlet
6. Re: Seam Basic portlet shows Runtime error in gateIn Jboss AS7
maran_su Feb 5, 2013 3:29 AM (in response to kenfinni)Thanks for your reply Ken, If i Use CDI will it support Drools and Jbpm as my project going to use Drools and Jbpm later so i need to consider that point. can you suggest your idea.
7. Re: Seam Basic portlet shows Runtime error in gateIn Jboss AS7
kenfinni Feb 5, 2013 9:00 AM (in response to maran_su)Do you mean will CDI support Drools? I believe there is the ability to use Drools with CDI, but I'm not sure as it's not something I've done.
But even if there isn't direct support, it should still work as CDI is just Java classes.