0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 6, 2013 2:49 AM by fredfrancisco

    Running hornetq-version-tests fails with artifact org.hornetq.tests:joram-tests:jar:tests:2.3.0.CR1 not found


      I was trying to run compatibility tests between a 2.3.0.CR1 server and a 2.2.14.Final client (https://github.com/hornetq/hornetq-version-tests). I changed the pom.xml accordingly but I kept getting the following error:


      Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:unpack (unpack) on project single-server: Unable to find artifact. Failure to find org.hornetq.tests:joram-tests:jar:tests


      Francisco (fborges) explained on irc:


      fborgesffrancis, ok, now that I bored you with the explanations... what is happening is that 1. the pom is trying to find this JAR full of tests; 2. but that JAR is not a deployed jar available from Maven repositories (as far as I know)
      fborgesffrancis, in order to run this, you'll need to clone our git repo, and manually build/install that JAR inside your ~/.m2


      Hopefully this will help anyone facing the same issue.

