4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 7, 2013 8:12 AM by sivaprasad9394

    Rich collapsible panel




      I am using richfaces 4.2.0 collapsible panel and after server side saving, I want to collapse the extended panel.


      I thought doing it via javascript oncomplete



      <a4j:commandButton oncomplete="closePanel('panelId');" value="#{uiMessages.save}"


                    action="#{myBean.handleSaving}" render="totalcount">




      How to use javascript api??


      Or is this something that can be done with rich toggleControl???




        • 1. Re: Rich collapsible panel
          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Rich collapsible panel

            tvaana wrote:




            I am using richfaces 4.2.0 collapsible panel and after server side saving, I want to collapse the extended panel.


            I thought doing it via javascript oncomplete



            <a4j:commandButton oncomplete="closePanel('panelId');" value="#{uiMessages.save}"


                          action="#{myBean.handleSaving}" render="totalcount">




            How to use javascript api??


            Or is this something that can be done with rich toggleControl???






            there is no closePanel function, the collapsible panel only provides switchPanel().


            As for the API you use it like this:

            <a4j:commandButton oncomplete="#{rich:component('panelId')}.switchPanel()">


            or with a componentControl (inside the a4j:commandButton):

            <rich:componentControl event="click" operation="switchPanel" target="panelId" />


            The switchPanel() only switches between open and close. If you cannot be sure if the panel is open you can use this:


            <a4j:commandButton oncomplete="if (#{rich:component('panel')}.activeItem == 'true') {#{rich:component('panel')}.switchPanel()}">


            but you cannot use this inside componentControl

            • 3. Re: Rich collapsible panel

              That's just what I was looking for, thanks Michal!


              Fortunately I was able to solve it other way, little bit more complicated


              1. Checked how richfaces generated the div id

              In my case generated it like: ryhmat:content


              2. Called js-function via oncomplete with the id as a parameter and escaped the semicolon:




              3. Changed the css style from blocked to none


              function closePanel(panelId)


                      $('#'+panelId).css('display', 'none');



              Thanks Firebug and Michal!




              • 4. Re: Rich collapsible panel

                Hello tvanna,


                Using Jquery we can do it.As per my understanding.. IF u click the action button means <rich:simpleTogglePanel should collapse. and again if  u click the panel it should re open in the same screen.


                1) Just create a hideTogglePanel as default false.

                2) while clicking the action button make the boolean variable as false(opened="#{bean.hideTogglePanel}").

                3) for actionListener just make boolean variable as true.



                <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="./script/js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script> 

                <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="./script/jQueryChart/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>


                      <script type="text/javascript">



                            function hideTogglePabelAutoCollapsefn(event) {               

                                  jQuery("#docLibraryexpertSearch:j_id77_switch_on").css('display','none');    //This is the rich:collapsable panel id.Normally it plays like ON OFF only.

                                  jQuery("#docLibraryexpertSearch:j_id77_switch_off").css('display',' ');   

                                  return false;




                            function hideTogglePabelExpandfn(event) {                //While expanding after auto hide(clicking action button for backing bean).




                                  return false;





                    <h:form id="docLibraryexpertSearch" styleClass="edit">

                    <h:inputHidden id="hidentogglePanelID" value="#{docLibraryHome.hideTogglePanel}"/> // This is used to hold the hidden value for hide and show the toggle panel or collapsable panel

                        <a:region id="expertRegion" renderRegionOnly="true">

                        <rich:simpleTogglePanel id="tpanelId" label="Document Search Filter" switchType="ajax" opened="#{bean.hideTogglePanel}"

                             actionListener="#{docLibraryHome.togglePanelListener}" onexpand="hideTogglePabelExpandfn();" oncollapse="alert('collapse')"> // In back bean use the listner for boolean variable

                             // hideTogglePanel as false. see two java script functions to open and close the collapsable panel.


                        ************************ your code *****************************




                        <div class="actionButtons">


                             <a:commandButton id="search" value="Search123" action="#{bean.searchByDocument}" reRender="tpanelId,expertRegion"

                              status="statusID" eventsQueue="ajaxQueue" oncomplete="hideTogglePabelAutoCollapsefn();" /> //Here on complete we are collapsing the panel.   




                Bean :

                public void togglePanelListener()


                        hideTogglePanel = true;




                I hope this works fine.




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