0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 6, 2013 10:23 AM by seb974

    AD Synchronization (using REST) - Hibernate - eXo Platform





      I am working with eXo Platform on JBoss and I have a problem about user synchronization with active directory (using picketlink-idm). When I launched the REST service to synchronize my users in eXo with :




      I get :


      (See attachment for full log)

      (http-VM-test.testmitech.lan%2F192.168.1.106-8080-1) Invoke member:a.cacilie:/platform/users Membership synchronization.
      2013-02-06 11:41:00,804 FINER [org.picketlink.idm.impl.store.hibernate.HibernateIdentityStoreImpl] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-9) Going to start Hibernate transaction
      2013-02-06 11:41:00,808 FINER [org.picketlink.idm.impl.store.hibernate.HibernateIdentityStoreImpl] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-9) Going to commit Hibernate transaction
      2013-02-06 11:41:01,110 FINER [org.picketlink.idm.impl.store.hibernate.HibernateIdentityStoreImpl] (http-VM-test.testmitech.lan%2F192.168.1.106-8080-1) Going to commit Hibernate transaction
      2013-02-06 11:41:01,111 FINER [org.picketlink.idm.impl.store.hibernate.HibernateIdentityStoreImpl] (http-VM-test.testmitech.lan%2F192.168.1.106-8080-1) Exception occurred: 
      org.hibernate.HibernateException: createCriteria is not valid without active transaction
                at org.hibernate.context.ThreadLocalSessionContext$TransactionProtectionWrapper.invoke(ThreadLocalSessionContext.java:338)
      2013-02-06 11:41:01,118 FINER [org.picketlink.idm.impl.api.session.managers.PersistenceManagerImpl] (http-VM-test.testmitech.lan%2F192.168.1.106-8080-1) Exception occurred: 
      org.picketlink.idm.common.exception.IdentityException: IdentityObjectType[USER] not present in the store.
      Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: createCriteria is not valid without active transaction
      2013-02-06 11:41:01,119 FINER [org.picketlink.idm.impl.api.session.IdentitySessionImpl] (http-VM-test.testmitech.lan%2F192.168.1.106-8080-1) Exception occurred: 
      org.picketlink.idm.api.query.QueryException: Failed to execute query
      Caused by: org.picketlink.idm.common.exception.IdentityException: IdentityObjectType[USER] not present in the store.
      Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: createCriteria is not valid without active transaction


      But when I launch again, the synchronization continues where it stopped before. And when I check the a.cacilie role, he's member of the /platform/users group.

      I made some tests, and it seems that the hibernate session / transaction closes after some time.


      Here is my environment:

      - JBoss 5.10

      - eXo Platform 3.5.5 with SSO (Spnego)

      - active directory (Windows Server 2008 R2)


      My filter is :






      Before I had a problem to retrieve a user because the filter was:




      However, it has two users with the same cn but not the same OU.



      In the code I found:



      String name = Tools.stripDnToName(dn);
      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl entry = (LDAPIdentityObjectImpl) this.findIdentityObject (ctx, name, match);


      The DistinguishedName (DN) is split and the name is recovered to search.


      So, I modified the picketlink-idm code for:



      String name = dn;
      LDAPIdentityObjectImpl entry = (LDAPIdentityObjectImpl) this.findIdentityObject (ctx, name, match);



      And changed the filter for:




      Then resynchronised, and I found this error:


      org.exoplatform.platform.organization.integration.OrganizationIntegrationService syncAllUsers
      Caused by: org.picketlink.idm.common.exception.IdentityException: IdentityObjectType[USER] not present in the store.
      Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: createCriteria is not valid without active transaction


      And every time you start the sync, it continues where it stopped.


      In addition, if you add a user in AD and start the sync, I also get the error (despite the fact that he is recovering well *member* role for *platform / users*.


      In debugging, I found :



      else if ( !realSession.getTransaction().isActive() ) {
      // limit the methods available if no transaction is active
      if ( "beginTransaction".equals( method.getName() )
      || "getTransaction".equals( method.getName() )
      || "isTransactionInProgress".equals( method.getName() )
      || "setFlushMode".equals( method.getName() )
      || "getSessionFactory".equals( method.getName() ) ) {
      log.trace( "allowing method [" + method.getName() + "] in non-transacted context" );
      else if ( "reconnect".equals( method.getName() )
      || "disconnect".equals( method.getName() ) ) {
      // allow these (deprecated) methods to pass through
      else { throw new HibernateException( method.getName() + " is not valid without active transaction" );


      I get an exception because !realSession.getTransaction().IsActive() is TRUE and the method.getName() is createCriteria. But it is ok for the first users, so the problem will come from the session/transaction is canceled?




      If i decide to put the original library and change the filter to obtain:






      I get :


      2013-01-30 11:46:19,267 SEVERE [org.picketlink.idm.impl.repository.FallbackIdentityStoreRepository] (http-VM-test.testmitech.lan%2F192.168.1.106-8080-1) Failed to find IdentityObject in target store: 
      org.picketlink.idm.common.exception.IdentityException: Found more than one identity object with name: CINDOC; Posible data inconsistency



      Resolved by adding:




      But I return to the first problem.





      Any ideas please ?




