3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 7, 2013 9:55 AM by swiderski.maciej

    Invalid JPA definition for ProcessInstanceLog v5.4.0, leads to Hibernate exception


      Hello, there. I see that the ProcessInstanceLog class has been modified between 5.3.0 and 5.4.0. The following persistent properties have been added:


      private int status;
      private long parentProcessInstanceId;
      private String outcome;


      However, I think having a nullable property with a primitive type is not going to work when loading data with the "parentProcessInstanceId" or "status" having null values (which happens in my case).


      Hibernate complains:


      Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set long field org.jbpm.process.audit.ProcessInstanceLog.parentProcessInstanceId to null value

          at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.java:146)

          at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.java:150)

          at sun.reflect.UnsafeLongFieldAccessorImpl.set(UnsafeLongFieldAccessorImpl.java:62)

          at java.lang.reflect.Field.set(Field.java:657)

          at org.hibernate.property.DirectPropertyAccessor$DirectSetter.set(DirectPropertyAccessor.java:139)


      I think a simple fix would be to substitute int with Integer, long with Long, and modifiy the setter/getter methods accordingly.


      Am i the only one with the problem? Should I open an issue on Jira?


      Thanks for your help.