2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 11, 2013 3:43 PM by bfitzpat

    JPA/Mail Binding Editor Enhancements


      So I've started looking at SWITCHYARD-1204 to try and finish up the JPA and Mail binding configuration UI in the editor. I was initially thinking that this would be just adding some Browse buttons and any additional validation, but the Camel docs are a bit vague in some areas, so I need some guidance.


      The only thing I've added for sure is a browse button for the Entity Class field on the JPA binding config. This just allows the user to browse the classes on the project classpath and pick the one they want.


      I'm looking at http://camel.apache.org/jpa and http://camel.apache.org/mail and not finding anything instantly saying "Yes, this would be good to add."


      For JPA... possibilities include:

      • Transaction Manager browse button
      • Result Class browse button


      For Mail... I'm not seeing anything obvious.


      Does anyone have any suggestions on what we should try to do to help out the user with these two bindings? If anything?


      I'm especially curious about any ideas for validation beyond the required fields.


      Thanks in advance.