1 2 3 Previous Next 35 Replies Latest reply on Mar 19, 2013 4:52 AM by jamesviet

    Where can I configure JBoss AS7 + Infinispan so that I can see cache statistics?


      Where can I configure JBoss AS7 + Infinispan so that I can see the cache statistics?




      I'm trying to monitor the cache stats identified at this URL http://docs.jboss.org/infinispan/5.1/apidocs/jmxComponents.html#Statistics and inserted below:


      Component Statistics  (Class org.infinispan.interceptors.CacheMgmtInterceptor)
      General statistics such as timings, hit/miss ratio, etc.
      AverageReadTimeAverage number of milliseconds for a read operation on the cachelongfalse
      AverageWriteTimeAverage number of milliseconds for a write operation in the cachelongfalse
      ElapsedTimeNumber of seconds since cache startedlongfalse
      EvictionsNumber of cache eviction operationslongfalse
      HitRatioPercentage hit/(hit+miss) ratio for the cachedoublefalse
      HitsNumber of cache attribute hitslongfalse
      MissesNumber of cache attribute misseslongfalse
      NumberOfEntriesNumber of entries currently in the cacheintfalse
      ReadWriteRatioread/writes ratio for the cachedoublefalse
      RemoveHitsNumber of cache removal hitslongfalse
      RemoveMissesNumber of cache removals where keys were not foundlongfalse
      Storesnumber of cache attribute put operationslongfalse
      TimeSinceResetNumber of seconds since the cache statistics were last resetlongfalse
      resetStatisticsResets statistics gathered by this componentvoid resetStatistics()


      It appears as though the Infinispan (standalone) configuration element to enable these statistics for the caches and not just the cache manager through JMX is:


      <jmxStatistics enabled="true"/>


      as identified at this URL: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/ISPN/Management+Tooling


      However, when using Infinispan as part of JBoss AS7, the standard configuration files aren't used.  Instead, a unified version of the configuration is instead.  The valid configuration parameters are identified in the schema files found in $JBOSS_HOME/docs/schema.  None of these files contains any configuration elements (that I can identify) for turning on JMX statistics for Infinispan caches.


      Using JMX I can see the CacheManager statistics, but I cannot see any specific cache statistics.


      Where can I configure JBoss AS7 + Infinispan so that I can see the cache statistics?  I've spent hours looking for answers and am unable to find anything.




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