2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 12, 2013 10:33 AM by erasmomarciano

    Check your Skill JBoss :)

      For those interested, I developed a simple android app to test your ability about JBoss. It's free.


      Please give it a try and let me know if there are suggestion on the quiz.

      The app is named "Test su Jboss", and it's freely available on the google playstore.

      Here is the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dev.env.sports&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImRldi5lbnYuc3BvcnRzIl0.


      Good jboss testing!


        • 1. Re: Check your Skill JBoss :)

          For AS7 one Answer is wrong or unclear! You can have *-ds.xml files.

          But it's only recommended to use it for development.


          JAVA_HOME must not be set to run properly as the systems default installation is used and this might correct.


          AS4 5 6

          - Apache communication which one 'need' to communicate.

              better answer might 'one of these' not 'all'


          - binding port can be changed in bindings-jboss-beans.xml  (but not for AS4)

          - run instance with run.* :server (:server might be missunderstood)



          Also the application crashed sometimes

          • 2. Re: Check your Skill JBoss :)

            Thank you  Advices


            I will work on these points.


            For AS7 one Answer is wrong or unclear! You can have *-ds.xml files.

            But it's only recommended to use it for development.


            JAVA_HOME must not be set to run properly as the systems default installation is used and this might correct.


            AS4 5 6

            - Apache communication which one 'need' to communicate.

                better answer might 'one of these' not 'all'


            - binding port can be changed in bindings-jboss-beans.xml  (but not for AS4)

            - run instance with run.* :server (:server might be missunderstood)



            Also the application crashed sometimes