1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 11, 2013 6:27 AM by nickarls

    Moving from jboss 423 to jboss 7


      Hi ,

      We have decided to upgrade Jboss 423 to Jboss 7  mainly because of the security issues being reported and no availability of direct patches for 423. I have few questions here..


      1. Does Jboss 7 got fixes for critical security issues? - where can I find the list of those? (at least the critical vulnerabilities)


      2. Does it make sense to move to Jboss 7 from 423 just to avail the security issues addressed?


      3. Apart from the speed and modularity what  are the other noticeable advantages that we gain on moving to Jboss 7?


      4. Our product requires just a web profile JSP ,SERVLETS and JAX-RPC  components to operate a web based app. Does Jboss 7 has got anything which can impact this?


      I have done a minimal check( experimental )by moving my .war files to jboss 7 and managed to get them running.

      I have to draw some migration plan for this upgrade activity  and summarize the pros and cons.. can someone please share your thoughts around this..


      thanks in advance



        • 1. Re: Moving from jboss 423 to jboss 7

          I am not aware of any remote-exploitable security issues (although for a more official document you might want to get a statement directly from JBoss/RedHat) ;-)

          Speed, modularity, EE 6, library updates, bug fixes. BTW. Which issues are you referring to on 4.x?