1 2 Previous Next 18 Replies Latest reply on Feb 11, 2013 9:56 AM by dward Go to original post
      • 15. Re: SOAP header properties

        There are "buckets" already. They're called "labels".

        • 16. Re: SOAP header properties

          I've combed through our various (9!) ContextMapper implementations.  I will document here what they currently do, as well as provide a place to document what we want to change it to.  Feel free to edit this table if you want it changed, however just add a note of what you changed.  Thanks!

          mapFrom (normally inbound)


          ContextMapperHardcoded PropertySourceTarget Scope (current)Target Labels (current)Target Scope (change)Target Labels (change)
          (Camel) Message headersINcamel_message_header

          (Camel) Exchange propertiesEXCHANGEcamel_exchange_property

          ClientMessage propertiesEXCHANGEhornetq_message_property

          HttpstatusHTTP responseINhttp_headerOUT
          Httprequest_infoHTTP requestINhttp_header

          Http(not "status" or "request_info")HTTP headersINhttp_header

          RESTEasy headersINhttp_header

          SOAP MIME headersINsoap_message_mime_header

          SOAPMessage headersEXCHANGEsoap_message_headerIN
          (JMS) Message propertiesEXCHANGEjca_message_property

          IndexedRecordrecordNameRecord nameEXCHANGEjca_message_property

          IndexedRecordrecordShortDescriptionRecord short descriptionEXCHANGEjca_message_property

          MappedRecordrecordNameRecord nameEXCHANGEjca_message_property

          MappedRecordrecordShortDescriptionRecord short descriptionEXCHANGEjca_message_property

          StreamableRecordrecordNameRecord nameEXCHANGEjca_message_property

          StreamableRecordrecordShortDescriptionRecord short descriptionEXCHANGEjca_message_property

          mapTo (normally outbound)


          ContextMapperHardcoded PropertySource Scope (current)Source Labels (current)Source Scope (change)Source Labels (change)Target
          (Camel) Message headers

          (Camel) Message headers

          (Camel) Exchange properties

          ClientMessage properties

          HTTP response status
          Http(not "status")OUThttp_header

          HTTP response headers

          RESTEAsy headers
          SOAP Mime headers
          SOAPMessage headers

          (JMS) Message properties

          Record name

          Record short description

          Record name

          Record short description

          Record name

          Record short description
          • 17. Re: SOAP header properties

            It's a bit tough to edit in the forum post, so I've created an article to hold the information:



            Some high-level comments:


            • I think labels needs to correlate to the binding type in use.  As an example, context properties for HTTP should be "http", File should be "file", etc.  If we find that further distinction is necessary, like distinguishing between SOAP HTTP headers and SOAP:Header elements, the labels can be nested so that a subset of properties can be specified.  For example, the SOAP gateway could use "soap.http" and "soap.header".  If we wanted to get really fancy, we could allow a query for the "soap" label to pick up all of the entries for "soap.http" and "soap.header", but I certainly don't think that's required.
            • For outbound mapping, the EXCHANGE and OUT properties are always "in scope" for context mapping.
            • For outbound mapping, no headers are mapped by default.  The user-supplied configuration of the context mapper specifies what properties are mapped and where.  We *may* want to relax this slightly to say that properties with labels (e.g. "http", "soap") are automatically mapped on outbound messages.  This allows EXCHANGE scoped properties to be automatically returned on replies and also gives implementations or handlers a bit more flexibility if they want to attach a property programmatically (vs. configuration of the context mapper).
            • 18. Re: SOAP header properties

              It's a bit tough to edit in the forum post, so I've created an article to hold the information:



              • I think labels needs to correlate to the binding type in use.  As an example, context properties for HTTP should be "http", File should be "file", etc.  If we find that further distinction is necessary, like distinguishing between SOAP HTTP headers and SOAP:Header elements, the labels can be nested so that a subset of properties can be specified.  For example, the SOAP gateway could use "soap.http" and "soap.header".  If we wanted to get really fancy, we could allow a query for the "soap" label to pick up all of the entries for "soap.http" and "soap.header", but I certainly don't think that's required.

              Just to be clear, 1 property can have 0..* labels.  So, a single property can have both "soap" and "http" as labels; we don't have to introduce a notation that mixes them.  Thus, a query as described above on propX could be: if (propX.hasLabel("soap") && propX.hasLabel("http")).  The "+hasLabel(caseINsenstitiveString):boolean" method already exists today.


              • For outbound mapping, the EXCHANGE and OUT properties are always "in scope" for context mapping.

              I have to admit, I don't understand what you mean by this.



              • For outbound mapping, no headers are mapped by default.

              The purpose of the chart was to show what properties get mapped IF the property names (and possibly namespaces) match the user-configurable regular expressions (includes, excludes, includesNamespaces, excludesNamespaces). Everyone should assume that NOTHING gets mapped - in either direction - unless the regex matches.  I don't see that changing, and we don't have to express that in the chart.  The chart should show what gets mapped if the regex fully matches everything (ie: includes=".*").


              • ...  The user-supplied configuration of the context mapper specifies what properties are mapped and where.  ...and also gives implementations or handlers a bit more flexibility if they want to attach a property programmatically (vs. configuration of the context mapper).

              There might be some confusion here as to our current capability with regards to context mapper configuration.  Right now, the ONLY configuration that can be done via XML is the regex expressions.  You can't "configure" where property gets mapped to or from.  Only if it will get mapped.  The "where" is what the purpose of the chart is, and is only changeable by code (unless we add fancier configuration attributes to the contextMapper element).

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