8 Replies Latest reply on Aug 2, 2013 6:01 PM by yan.langlois

    rich:fileUpload multiple file selection


      Hi all,


      I'm currently migrating my project from RF 3.3.3 to RF 4. I've seen that in the new rich:fileUpload version there is no the possibility of selecting more than one file at the time as in the previous version.

      Is this feature planned  for implementing or maybe there is a workaround ?

      Any hint would be appreciated.



        • 1. Re: rich:fileUpload multiple file selection

          Hello Flavio,

          try add this property maxFilesQuantity="3".



          • 2. Re: rich:fileUpload multiple file selection


            maybe I haven't explained my problem correctly.

            The problem is that when I open the window to choose files, the component enables only single selection.

            No way to choose more than one file as in version 3.3.3, where, with keyword allowFlash="true", I was able to make multiple selections.

            As far as I know the keyword maxFilesQuantity enables the upload of a defined number of files.

            I need to select more than one file at the time, because my users sometimes uploads more than 20 files and choose them one by one is really time consuming.

            So, please, there is a way to SELECT more than one file at the time or a workaround to do this ?

            Any hint would be appreciated.



            • 3. Re: rich:fileUpload multiple file selection


              I have a similar requirement to create an photo upload interface similar to EBay's that allows multiple file selection. 

              I agree that it is time consuming to select one photo (image) at a time. The user experience would be improved by allowing multiple file selection.

              Please consider adding this feature to future releases.


              • 4. Re: rich:fileUpload multiple file selection

                Use maxFilesQuantity in rich:fileUpload to upload multiple files


                <rich:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{fileUploadBean.listener}" id="upload" acceptedTypes="jpg, gif, png, bmp"

                                ontyperejected="alert('Only JPG, GIF, PNG and BMP files are accepted');" maxFilesQuantity="5">

                                <a4j:ajax event="uploadcomplete" execute="@none" render="info" />


                • 5. Re: rich:fileUpload multiple file selection

                  Hi Suresh,

                  Thanks for responding. 

                  maxFilesQuantity has been discussed earlier in this tread and it does not help with the original problem. 


                  This feature that is being discussed is enableing multiple file selection from the file explorer that is launched from the script.


                  Use Case that repesents functionality wanted.

                  1) User Displays form to allow multiple file uploads.

                  2) User Selects Add "+" button.

                  3) System displays file explorer form.

                  4) **** User multi-selects two or more files (up to the maxFilesQuantity) value.  ****

                  5) User presses Open.

                  6) System adds file to status box with "remove" option

                  7) System enbable Upload link

                  8) User presses Upload

                  9) System uploads the selected files.


                  Use Case the represents the current functionality.

                  1) User Displays form to allow multiple file uploads.

                  2) User Selects Add "+" button.

                  3) System displays file explorer form.

                  4) *** User selects a single file ***

                  5) User presses Open.

                  6) System adds file to status box with "remove" option

                  7) System enables Upload link

                  8) User repeats steps 2-7 as needed.

                  9) User presses Upload

                  10) System uploads the selected files.



                  • 6. Re: rich:fileUpload multiple file selection

                    I have the same problem. Have you found a solution ?

                    • 7. Re: rich:fileUpload multiple file selection

                      Have a look at RF-12224 this has been resolved thanks to a community contribution, and will be available in an upcoming release.

                      • 8. Re: rich:fileUpload multiple file selection

                        OK thank you I did not see the related issue.