1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 14, 2013 8:10 AM by brian.stansberry

    Start the JBoss 7 without deploying deployments (disabling them)




      I would like to know whether there is any option to pass to the standalone.bat that disables all enabled deployments and start the JBoss 7 without deploying the deployments. Example process:


      * Start the JBoss

      * Deploy several applications using the console

      * Stop the JBoss

      * Restart the JBoss, but I do not want it to deploy the applications (They should still be available as deployments though).


      I know that i could create a batch job that disables all deployments before shutting down but I would prefer to use a startup switch for this task.




        • 1. Re: Start the JBoss 7 without deploying deployments (disabling them)

          Nothing that precisely does that, no.


          There is the --admin-only command line switch. When it is set, the only runtime services that are started are those related to server management (e.g. the socket and underlying services to which the CLI connects is started, but all the EE containers are not.) Deployments aren't deployed. Depending on what you want to do with the server while the deployments aren't deployed, this may fit your need.