1 2 Previous Next 26 Replies Latest reply on Feb 15, 2013 8:27 AM by igarashitm Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

        In addition to dynamically setting the property values, they may also be configured through system properties, which override anything in the switchyard.xml.  Just another complication.

        • 16. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

          Hi Tomo,


          Yes, change it directly. As I said, you put the properties in the Context class, this class is accessable from the BpelEngine. Was thinking that you can do something like following:




              public Node getProcessProperty(QName propertyName) {

                  Node value = getEngine()._contexts.containerProperties.getProperty(propertyName);

                  if (value != null) {

                      return value;


                  Map<QName, Node> properties = _pconf.getProcessProperties();

                  if (properties != null) {

                      return properties.get(propertyName);


                  return null;



          Here I made the 'containerProperties' name up. So in the BPELActivator class, you inject the value into containerProperties.




          • 17. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

            Hi Tomo


            Have just added the ability to supply the BPEL process name (QName) as the first parameter to the custom XPath function, to provide some context to the method.


            Not sure if its possible, but if you can obtain a static reference to the switchyard runtime, then could you access the app containing the supplied process name, as a way to obtain the config?




            • 18. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

              Just to re-iterate, we will not be providing a way to "get all properties" from various sources, and copy them someplace.  We only provide a way to resolve a property by name. So we can't "put the properties in the Context class", but maybe we can "put a PropertyResolver in the Context class", and use it from there?

              • 19. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

                @David, @Jeff,

                Yep, so "containerProperties" should be able to invoke PropertyResolver.resolveProperty(). I think that means riftsaw-ode should depend on SwitchYard PropertyResolver *OR* have a generic pluggable point in the "Contexts". We can't choose former as we talked above. I don't have any good idea for latter right now by design of riftsaw-ode.



                We're eventually going to bundle like this with BPEL component, and then BPELActivator.activateService() or BPELExchangeHandler would put each PropertyResolver via SwitchYardPropertyResolverXPathFunction.setPropertyResolver() . Is that reasonable for us?





                • 20. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

                  I think that means riftsaw-ode should depend on SwitchYard PropertyResolver *OR* have a generic pluggable point in the "Contexts". We can't choose former as we talked above. I don't have any good idea for latter right now by design of riftsaw-ode.

                  I don't believe riftsaw-ode should have a dependency on SwitchYard.  It would be better if they provided an interface we can implement, then plug in.


                  ...or BPELExchangeHandler would put each PropertyResolver via SwitchYardPropertyResolverXPathFunction.setPropertyResolver() .

                  What do you mean "each PropertyResolver"? There only needs to be one, but that one can be a CompoundPropertyResolver (which can wrap multiple others).

                  • 21. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw


                    ...or BPELExchangeHandler would put each PropertyResolver via SwitchYardPropertyResolverXPathFunction.setPropertyResolver() .

                    What do you mean "each PropertyResolver"? There only needs to be one, but that one can be a CompoundPropertyResolver (which can wrap multiple others).


                    Nevermind. I just saw your gist. You mean one PropertyResolver per process. Sorry!

                    • 22. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

                      Hi Tomo


                      Yes I think this should work.




                      • 23. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

                        Hi Gary,


                        OK, that's working basically... confirmed the resolveProperty() has been invoked.



                        just one trivial question - how can I pass a string literal to the custom function? single quote doesn't work expectedly as well.




                        • 24. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

                          It works with following expression


                                          <bpel:from xmlns:fn="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions"
                                              <![CDATA[concat(property:resolveProperty(fn:QName("", "Greeting")), $ReceiveSayHelloVar.parameters/tns:input)]]>
                                          <bpel:to part="parameters" variable="ReplySayHelloVar">
                                              <bpel:query queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0"><![CDATA[tns:result]]></bpel:query>


                          hmm, verbose.

                          • 25. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

                            Sorry Tomo - should be sorted now, to allow single quoted string literals. Riftsaw artifacts have been deployed to nexus, so should be available during next switchyard build.




                            • 26. Re: Access ODE's User-defined process properties via RiftSaw

                              Now it works with single quoted string literal! I didn't think it would be supported. Thanks a lot for your support, Gary.

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