Hi All,
I am practising the EJB3.x tec, I found some issues,
1. I used @PostActivateand @PrePassivate, but I didn't found these methods are called even though I set the session timeout value to 2 seconds
2. could any one give me some advice to practise the ejb concurrent manangement, specially how to simulate triiger the problem situation?
supplementary info on the second point,
The JavaEE toturial tells that here are two ways to manage the concurrency, bean management and container management. Now I just want to try caused some exceptions or unexcepted errors when the processing bean are concurrently accessed. I code the client to access the processing bean which will be concurrently accessed but cannot caused any error. Briefly, I hope to know what kind of special conditions will choice the bean to manage the concurrency.
Hi Rex,
I hope you are trying to use these methods in Stateful session bean as these are life cycle call back methods of Stateful beans. Can you give more information about your ejb implementation?
What you are trying to know in ejb concurrency management?