2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 26, 2013 2:43 AM by tabris

    Avro Marshaller for C#


      I am going to build an app that using Infinispan between c# and java. I got the hotrod C# client, but now need to tackle the marshalling.

      I have configured java-hotrod to use ApacheAvroMarshaller, and I am going to make my own C# avro marshaller (it is a big task tho).


      The question is, I found I need to decompile the java ApacheAvroMarshaller in order to know what ID for each primitive type (otherwise I can't make my own C# marshaller). Why is that? I believe those ID should be available in either the java-doc or as a public field in ApacheAvroMarshaller?


      Did I miss anything here? Cheers.