0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 21, 2013 1:52 AM by rahul22

    extend JPAIdentityStore from seam 3 security




      I have migrated my project from seam 2 to seam 3 . now while deploying I'm facing


      Unsatisfied dependency Exception for my class xxxIdentityStore.java which extends JpaIdentityStore where ever m injecting this class .


      the structure is as follows :-





      public class xxxIdentityStore extends JpaIdentityStore {


      public xxxIdentityStore(String id) {


              // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub




      now for @applicationScoped i m getting warning as follows :-


      {color:red}Type JpaIdentityStore (with a non-private constructor with no parameters) is not a legal type of normal scoped bean xxxIdentityStore because it cannot be proxied by the container {color}

      [JSR-299 §5.4.1]

      so if i remove the extend then no warning or exception comes , so may be the issue is with Extending JpaIdentityStore . as it is alternative i have also activated that in beans.xml


      can any one please help me ??? what is going on here ???


      any suggestion will be deeply appriciated

