1. Re: Seam 3 Security render restrict page
rahul22 Jan 29, 2013 8:16 AM (in response to paulada)hi,
i dont know you found the solution or not but for me following is working :-
pages :
rest same as yours , try this simple if still it didn't worked for you.
hope it helps.
2. Re: Seam 3 Security render restrict page
bya_ Feb 17, 2013 5:29 PM (in response to paulada)pages -
3. Re: Seam 3 Security render restrict page
nathandennis Feb 21, 2013 10:09 AM (in response to paulada)wildcards are a dangerous thing if not used properly.
4. Re: Seam 3 Security render restrict page
bya_ Feb 21, 2013 10:14 AM (in response to nathandennis)please exlpain, I'm pretty new at this.
5. Re: Seam 3 Security render restrict page
nathandennis Feb 21, 2013 11:17 AM (in response to bya_)you have overlapping rules because you used a wildcard.
i havent tested this but my first guess would be you need to sperate those rules a little more and have only one rule applied to the admin folder. rewrite the rules so the wildcard rule doesnt preceed the admin rule... if that doesnt work move the admin folder out of the folder you are using the wildcard in or rewrite the rules to not include the admin folder in the wildcard rule.
that is just where i would start.