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Show 3 replies
1. Re: pull queues and background threads
alesj Feb 23, 2013 5:49 PM (in response to bartvb)I have a fix in CD_JBoss-AS sub-project.
btw: running things against AS 7.2.0-pre1, I don't get that NPA you mentioned in GAEListener.
2. Re: pull queues and background threads
bartvb Feb 24, 2013 3:44 AM (in response to alesj)I works now. By doing the new build I'm also able to access the /_ah/admin pages. When deploy the app as ROOT.war I also see the caped dwarf When the app is deployed under an other context the logo is not available.
3. Re: pull queues and background threads
alesj Feb 24, 2013 4:54 AM (in response to bartvb)I works now. By doing the new build I'm also able to access the /_ah/admin pages. When deploy the app as ROOT.war I also see the caped dwarf
Cool. :-)
When the app is deployed under an other context the logo is not available.
Can you file a JIRA for this?