2 Replies Latest reply on Feb 25, 2013 9:58 AM by honglei_ruan

    MDB on WebSphere application sever is not picking up message


      My application is running on webspshere application server. I have JBoss Messaging (in jboss eap 4.3) as JMS provider and MDB listener ports configured on the server. It has been working fine with jboss eap 4.3. However, after I upgraded jboss eap  4.3 to jboss eap 6.0. My MDBs are not picking up files anymore and no error messages. I did change the naming context and url as below and put the jboss-client.jar into the messaging provider class path.




      I am able to send and receive message to/from jboss eap 6.0 with standalone applications though.


      Any one has idea what else needs to be done?




        • 1. Re: MDB on WebSphere application sever is not picking up message

          EAP 6.0 uses HornetQ as its default messaging service, which has totally different set of configurations from JBM. If you can give more configuration details of your MDB setup, it will help a lot to figure out the issue.

          • 2. Re: MDB on WebSphere application sever is not picking up message

            My MDB setup is almost the same as with JBM (that is the issue?). And on my local webspher server,  I am not using Activation Specification. I am still using Message Listener ports for MDB binding. Here are the config details:


            JMS Provider Config:

            Name: JBoss Messaging

            ClassPath: {libPath}\jboss-client.jar

            External Intitial Context Factory: org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory

            External Provider URL: remote://localhost:4447


            ConnectionFactory Config:

            Provier: JBoss Messaging

            Name: XAConnectionFactory

            JNDI Name: jms/XAConnectionFactory

            External JNDI Name: XAConnectionFactory


            Queue Config:

            Provier: JBoss Messaging

            Name: FileConnectQueue

            JNDI Name: jms/FileConnectQueue

            External JNDI Name: queue/FileConnectQueue


            MDB Listener Port:

            Name: FCQListenerPort

            Connection Factory JNDI: jms/XAConnectionFactory

            Destination JNDI: jms/FileConnectQueue

            Please kindly let me know what I missed. Thanks!!