We have the following Model:
- Object C
-> has a List<Object A>
-> has a List<Object B>
I need to build an easy to edit web decision table in guvnor, which I need to fill a dropdown list (Object B) in dependency of another dropdown list (Object A), when for example creating a new Object C on a form. The table should look something like this:
[Object A] [Object B]
Test A1 Test B1
Test B2
Test B3
Test A2 Test B4
Test A3 Test B5
Test B6
Test A4 Test B7
Test B8
Test B9
Test B10
...so when a User creates a new Object C and select on the create form for example "Test A3" in a dropdown list (Object A), Drools should be firing and result "Test B5" and "Test B6", which then can be filled in the second dropdown list (Object B).
How can I achieve such a scenario? We have already Drools Guvnor in use and the requirement is, to have such a table to easy edit the dependencies of this two dropdown lists.
Some thoughts:
- Is there a way to fill Objects in a List as a Action-Column in a web decision table?
- Is there a way to add Objects to a List (global variable) in a web decision table?
- Is there a way to achieve this with rule templates?
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards,