1. Re: drools-guvnor with sso valve in JBoss AS7.1.1
mrychly Sep 11, 2012 9:55 AM (in response to mrychly)Another question. Is picketlink-seam, still supported? I'm trying to add this package to project, but maven can't find it in jboss repositories. Maybe it's hidden in some other repo? I'm going to try using this package to integrate drools with my IDP (if I'll go one with current problem ofcourse...). Is that good idea in Your opinion?
Thaks for help in advance
2. Re: drools-guvnor with sso valve in JBoss AS7.1.1
mrychly Sep 20, 2012 3:28 AM (in response to mrychly)I passed the problem with picketlink-seam but still, can't find a way to use simple implementation SSO based on tomcat valve ( org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn ) or picketlink IDP. I need to integrate session of three webapps. I have no problem with two of them in which I can add Valve to jboss-web.xml, or configure picketlink IDP/SP. But Drools-guvnor uses Seam3, and I can't find a way to do similar thing with it. I fight with it for too long already . I don't think that using of open id, or some external IDM is good idea for such project.
Maybe anyone have idea how can I deal with it?
3. Re: drools-guvnor with sso valve in JBoss AS7.1.1
magick93 Mar 5, 2013 11:22 AM (in response to mrychly)Hi Marcin
I'm also looking to integrate guvnor into my web app, and am facing the same challenge.
I'm interested to hear if you solved this, and how?