1. Re: Alternative ways to provide JSF pages (or another web resources)
lfryc Feb 28, 2013 6:19 AM (in response to lfryc)One concern which Brian came with is ability to copy a code you author from the test to a actual page source.
There the JavaDoc is a winner of definitions inside a test,
but you still need to deal with asterisk signs.
The IDEs could also help here since they could understand ShrinkWrap syntax - e.g. allow to view a external file content in contextual help (tooltip) or offer navigation from "index.xhtml" to the source.
2. Re: Alternative ways to provide JSF pages (or another web resources)
kenfinni Mar 5, 2013 3:01 PM (in response to lfryc)I admit to being confused by the JavaDoc example. Is that saying that I want to make a JSF page comprised of those these resources, and then the indented lines are the resource content?
If so, I guess it could be useful, it just seems a little unusual. And only beneficial for a couple of lines of facelet code, otherwise it would be unmanageable.
Yes I do like the idea of taking a Descriptor like approach , but also appreciate that that solution is not appropriate all the time.
In terms of Brians desire to copy existing code into a test from a page, I may have misunderstood what I meant but I thought that would fit better with either Shrinkwrap Asset or Referencing an external file, as opposed to JavaDoc.
3. Re: Alternative ways to provide JSF pages (or another web resources)
lfryc Mar 6, 2013 9:24 AM (in response to kenfinni)Ken Finnigan wrote:
I admit to being confused by the JavaDoc example. Is that saying that I want to make a JSF page comprised of those these resources, and then the indented lines are the resource content?
If so, I guess it could be useful, it just seems a little unusual. And only beneficial for a couple of lines of facelet code, otherwise it would be unmanageable.
Yeah, the target for Javadoc-defined resources are one-liners - it is really beneficial for framework developers/testers, but it can be also natural for using in your playground - when you are evaluating technology using test-driven approach.
Yes I do like the idea of taking a Descriptor like approach , but also appreciate that that solution is not appropriate all the time.
I also appreciate its benefits: for example you can create default template and then customize it for particular use cases.
The similar concept (but very limited) might be achieved using FaceletAsset approach.