1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 7, 2013 5:44 PM by alanshields

    deployment as a Security Realm plug in module


      Is it possible to install a security realm plug in as part of a deployed application rather than as a module?


      The class loading documentation suggests that I could use a module name like deployment.myear.ear.myjar.jar but when I add this to the security realm configuration I get


      JBAS015261: Unable to load plug-in for module deployment.myea.ear.myjar.jar due to error (Module deployment.myear.ear.myjar.jar:main is not found in local module loader


      If I where to re package the plug in as a module I would need to somehow add a dependency to the deployed application.



        • 1. Re: deployment as a Security Realm plug in module

          Noticed a few people have viewed this so here's what I did in the end.


          1) Write the actual functionality in an EJB as part of the application using JPA or whatever else.

          2) Declare the local interface for the EJB within the plug in

          3) call the ejb from the plug in module, you'll probably need a couple of plug in properties to specify where to look up the EJB

          4) add a dependency on the plug in module in to the application.


          This way the plug in and the application both reference the same local interface but you don't need any dependency from the plug in to the application.