Bad proxy behavior when using store_data_at_delete and audited parent/child relationships
hltbdivl Mar 5, 2013 1:55 PMUse hibernate.envers.store_data_at_delete = true
class Parent {
String name;
Set<Child> children;
class Child {
String name;
Parent parent;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(name, parent);
Transaction 1:
* Creates a parent.
* Creates a child for it.
You get one revision, one Parent_AUD (create), and one Child_AUD (create).
Transaction 2:
* Deletes the parent.
* Deletes the child. In my case, this is via cascade.
You get one revision, one Parent_AUD (delete), and one Child_AUD (delete).
Transaction 3:
* Lookup using the following code:
.forRevisionsOfEntity(Child.class, true, true)
This throws an exception:
javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find com.cloudera.cmf.model.DbService with id 1
at org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Configuration$Ejb3EntityNotFoundDelegate.handleEntityNotFound(
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.checkTargetState(
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize(
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.getImplementation(
at org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistLazyInitializer.invoke(
at Parent_$$_javassist_2.hashCode(Parent_$$
at java.util.Arrays.hashCode(
at Child.hashCode(
at java.util.HashMap.put(
at org.hibernate.envers.reader.FirstLevelCache.putOnEntityNameCache(
at org.hibernate.envers.entities.EntityInstantiator.createInstanceFromVersionsEntity(
at org.hibernate.envers.query.impl.RevisionsOfEntityQuery.list(
at org.hibernate.envers.query.impl.AbstractAuditQuery.getResultList(
When store_data_at_delete is true, the second Child_AUD entry contains a link to Parent_AUD, instead of a NULL. The audit query tries to build Child entities out of the two Child_AUD entries but fails for the second one. Why does it fail? Because the SQL query it uses to fetch the correct Parent_AUD entry ignores entries with revision type DEL. Here's the corresponding comment from EntitiesAtRevisionQuery.list:
* The query that we need to create:
* SELECT new list(e) FROM versionsReferencedEntity e
* (all specified conditions, transformed, on the "e" entity) AND
* (selecting e entities at revision :revision)
* --> for DefaultAuditStrategy:
* e.revision = (SELECT max(e2.revision) FROM versionsReferencedEntity e2
* WHERE e2.revision <= :revision AND =
* --> for ValidityAuditStrategy:
* e.revision <= :revision and (e.endRevision > :revision or e.endRevision is null)
* (only non-deleted entities)
* e.revision_type != DEL
I think the right thing to do here is relax that last condition when we're fetching a relation for a DEL audit entry.