1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 8, 2013 4:45 PM by jamezp

    Is there an embedded JBoss container I can use in my Maven build?




      I'm building a Spring 3.1.1.RELEASE web application for a JBoss 7.1.1.Final app server.  Before deploying my app to the official server, I'd like to see if the artfifact deploys using some kind of embedded JBoss container during my Maven build.  I would need to be able to add a custom datasource to this container as well as add some system properties.  So far, I've tried the Cargo-Maven plugin, but there seems to be a bug whereby you can't change the default port on which the embedded container runs (i.e. 8080).


      Anyone have any recommendations or sample Maven configurations (that would be just too cool)?  Thanks, - Dave