Hi, i am new in jboss portal . I wanna to develop Jboss portal in Enterprise portal platform 5 and 6 with Spring MVC portlet .How can i implement Spring MVC portlet in Eclipse (Juno)
i have create hello example in java Portlet and JSF portlet but I do not have any idea how to made spring mvc portlet in eclipse juno .
I have selected
Dynamic Web porject and the ----------->Target Run Time -------------------------------->Jboss As 7 ------------------->Epp6 -----------------------
Configuration ---------------------> modify-------------------------------->jboss portal core 2.0
Than finish
it create portal.xml
But when i add
New ----------------------------> jbos Tools Web------------------------>portel --------------------------->java portlet / jsf porlet / seam
but i do not find Spring MVC portlet Here
So please tall me how can i add Spring MVC portet in Eclipse (juno)