1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 14, 2013 2:04 AM by maran_su

    javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException:detached entity passed to persist in EJB3




              I am using Seam2.3.0.Final with JSF2.1.


      In My screen , when i click the Save button first time it succesfully save the record in RTP table and Rtp_Goal table,


      if in the same screen if i choose another record and click save i got the following exception,

      "EJB Invocation failed on component RTPAction for method public abstract java.lang.String org.molplexdrug.DAO.RTPDAO.save(): javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: org.molplexdrug.EntityBean.RtpGoal"


      i have attached my Enttiy classes can any one suggest solution for me please.



      and also , after every save the values are not reset(previously saved record is showing on the screen)  how can i reset the values after every save.