1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 14, 2013 6:52 AM by alex12345x

    Jboss 4.0.5 to 6.1 migration - Servlet response


      I'm having issues figuring out why the Http status message is different on JBoss 6 than the one in Jboss 4.


      I'm accessing a Servlet. The servlet sends the following error:

                          response.sendError(504, "BusySignal");


      I used Firebug to see the status.

      1. JBoss 4 status: 504 BusySignal

      2. JBoss 6 status: 504 Gateway Timeout


      The browser shows the same message on both versions:

      HTTP Status 504 - BusySignal

      type Status report

      message BusySignal

      description The server received a timeout from an upstream server while acting as a gateway or proxy (BusySignal).



      I need to keep the same status on both versions (504 BusySignal). Anyone knows how to do that?


      Thank you