7 Replies Latest reply on Mar 19, 2013 4:55 AM by lfryc

    Reusing Fundamental Tests' CI Setup


      Hey guys,


      in RichFaces 4.3, we have introduced integration-tests profile which allows to run fundamental tests with different containers and browsers.

      Thanks to placing this profile in richfacces-root-parent, we could not only share it with all UI modules (Core, Input, Output, Iteration, ...),

      but we was able to potentially share it with any POM which would use richfaces-root-parent as a parent- e.g. Showcase, dev-examples, even Sandbox modules or Metamer.


      In RichFaces 5.0, integration-tests profile is placed in richfaces-framework module directly - which basically prevents reusal of continuous integration setup.


      Few more thoughts:


      • we didn't want to make it reused by Examples
        • SimpleApp, Photoalbum, Quickstarts
        • since they should be "parent-less" (their parent should be just jboss-parent, which does simply plugin management + import richfaces-bom and richfaces-build)
      • however all other untrivial examples could reuse this setup
        • showcase, bootstrap-demo, metamer


      What are your thoughts about this?

        • 1. Re: Reusing Fundamental Tests' CI Setup

          Hi Lukas,

            • since they should be "parent-less" (their parent should be just jboss-parent, which does simply plugin management + import richfaces-bom and richfaces-build)

          examples have to be parent-less, i.e. they have no parent. This applied to Showcase, too. Metamer isn't distributed so we can use whatever makes our work easier.


          As I think about it, there is probably no way how not to copy all configuration in examples, is there?

          • 2. Re: Reusing Fundamental Tests' CI Setup

            No, there is no way how to distribute CI setup to parentless examples.




            The purpose of examples not having parent is afaik:


            • having all the necessary project configuration in one place as a reference usage
            • and this is not offended by using jboss-parent, which just unifies the necessary setup (distrubution, plugin version management, etc.)


            But more importantly, as we have discussed earlier,


            • Showcase is not a generic sample for writing RichFaces applications
              • it's so complex that it can't simply serve this task




            However the Photoalbum application could be potentially used as reference usage example:


            • so richfaces-parent couldn't be used here
              • and CI setup would need to be configured just for this example
            • 3. Re: Reusing Fundamental Tests' CI Setup

              I need a decision that we can continue with following setup:


              Setup for Framework and other modules


              I have managed to generalize the continuous integration setup, which now consits of:



              It means that we don't need to copy anything across modules consuming this setup (Framework, Showcase, Metamer, Sandbox modules),

              you just need to inherit from richfaces-parent and select particular profile to make everything work:


              • in Maven
              • in Eclipse/JBDS


              I also got rid of richfaces-build, since we can't define versions in richfaces-build (there would be cyclic dependency between richfaces-build and richfaces-parent).


              Setup for parentless modules (such as Photoalbum)


              If you can't inherit from richfaces-parent (like in a case of examples, e.g. Photoalbum), you need to define continuous integration setup in example itself:



              Note that


              • this setup differts conceptually from setup in richfaces-parent (it is closer to one used in Metamer)
              • but the usage is the same - select a profile in IDE or Maven and run the test - tooling will take care of everything else
              • the profiles cover just JBoss AS7, TomEE and GlassFish - no Tomcats!
              • the setup needs to be kept up to date with rest of the build
                • it's a tax for duplication





              I will prepare a documents which will document the usage (like fundamental-tests.md).


              I will also record an video on how to use the Maven and the IDE to run a test, so everyone involved can learn a reference usage.


              Any ideas, objections? Can I continue with the incorporation to the master?

              • 4. Re: Reusing Fundamental Tests' CI Setup

                This is a great start, nice work Lukas!


                Getting rid of the richfaces-build BOM by moving the version definition to richfaces-parent means that we will have to duplicate the version information across all projects that don't inherit from richfaces-parent.  Having the version definition specified via the DependencyManagement, and not by the project inheritence was a very nice pattern IMO.


                If the profiles do not cover Tomcat 6/7, then how are they configured?  How do we include the extra dependencies required to run in servlet environments?

                • 5. Re: Reusing Fundamental Tests' CI Setup

                  Getting rid of the richfaces-build BOM by moving the version definition to richfaces-parent means that we will have to duplicate the version information across all projects that don't inherit from richfaces-parent.  Having the version definition specified via the DependencyManagement, and not by the project inheritence was a very nice pattern IMO.


                  Nothing has changed - you can just import richfaces-parent to get your dependencies' versions managed, see Photoalbum example.


                  The thing is that we either

                  • move all the CI setup and dependency management to richfaces-build
                  • or we move that into richfaces-parent


                  Otherwise, we will make both POMs play multiple roles.


                  If the profiles do not cover Tomcat 6/7, then how are they configured?  How do we include the extra dependencies required to run in servlet environments?

                  The profiles for Tomcat 6/7 are not defined for parentless modules (e.g. Photoalbum) for several reasons:


                  • the Photoalbum is an example application and as such it should show the reference usage
                    • and as we have agreed earlier we won't make examples unnecessarily complex by targetting servlet containers (such as Tomcats)
                    • only official Arquillian extensions are used here
                      • the container distribution installation (which is managed by custom Arquillian extension in Framework) is solved here using maven-dependencies-plugin:unpack
                      • the Tomcats requires to overwrite configuration, which is another added complexity to the POM


                  If my assumptions are wrong, we need to re-design this layer.


                  But the overally simple support for Tomcats is achieved by custom Arquillian extensions, which means that we would need to use them in Photoalbum as well.

                  • 6. Re: Reusing Fundamental Tests' CI Setup

                    We did a deep dive on this topic in a Google Hangout, here are the results of the discussion:


                    • The circular dependency between richfaces-and richfaces-build can re alleviated by making richfaces-build parentless
                    • Keeping the version management out of the parent and in the richfaces-build BOM is a nice spearation of concerns.  We will try to follow this pattern moving forward.
                    • Developer facng examples should be parentless, this makes it difficult to inherit the required integration test setup definifiton
                      • We will keep a simple end-use rconsummable test setup in the examples, separating full RF multi-container integration testing into a separate project called "<example>-ftest"
                      • We will try this first with the Photoalbum demo, then look at doing the same to the showcase


                    Let's carry on this discussion as required in this forum thread.

                    • 7. Re: Reusing Fundamental Tests' CI Setup

                      I also assume all the goals discussed ^ are targetting 5.0.0.Alpha1.


                      For the Showcase refactoring, we will open an Enhancement request.