1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 19, 2013 2:27 AM by kpiwko

    How to configure multiple containers differently via one extension?




      I would like to get some ideas how to make some extension which reflects various setups according of which container it extends. Lets say I have two containers A and B and I have the extension C which does something like this:


      <extension qualifier="C">


                <container qualifier="A">

                     <property name="xyz">123</property>


                <container qualifier="B">

                     <property name="xyz">456</property>





      or something like this


      <extension qualifier="C">

           <configuration qualifier="A">

                     <property name="xyz">123</property>


           <configuration qualifier="B">

                     <property name="xyz">456</property>




      I need it since I have some extension which does some useful stuff for a container, but I do not know how to make difference between containers this extension extends.


      I *know* that right now you can just put some configuration in the property elements right in the extension tag, but would it make sense to do it my way? Right now "one extension rules all container", losing ability to extend some container differently from another one.



      Any ideas from the implementation point of view?