1. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
shawkins Mar 20, 2013 7:25 AM (in response to jane_lj)> we don't know how to get WHERE condition info in procedure generically, becaue we don't know what kinds of condiions user will give when i write procedure
Keep in mind that the logical processing model here effectively issues a select against the view using the WHERE clause specified in the UPDATE/DELETE and then for each affected row executes the trigger action. So you do not need to know exactly what forms of predicates that the user will specify, just how to handle the modification of each row. To do this you use the new (used for the new value in insert/update), old (used for the old value in update/delete) and changing variables (used to denote that an insert value or update change clause was used against that column). The trigger logic for an update for example likely check the changing.column values to see what columns are being modified and make appropriate decisions from there.
2. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
jane_lj Mar 20, 2013 10:03 AM (in response to shawkins)Steven,
Sounds like when the call flow runs to the point of the trigger procedure, the WHERE clause part has been filtered. But from the following example I tried, the trigger action applied to all of the rows:
I have table PetrelBorehole in soure model Petrel_SM, have table WellEntire in view model, my procedure is this:
UPDATE Petrel_SM.PetrelBorehole SET Operator = "NEW".well_operator;
The UPDATE statements is this:
UPDATE WellEntire set well_operator = 'AAA' where uwi = 'B1'
The result should be only update one row whose uwi = 'B1'. But actually all rows got updated.
Can you see anywhere I did incorrectly?
Thanks a lot.
3. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
rareddy Mar 20, 2013 10:22 AM (in response to jane_lj)Jane,
So, since the trigger is executed once per each row, you need make you use of your primary keys to filter out to the row which you want to update.
For ex. if uwi is PK on the table
FOR EACH ROW BEGIN ATOMIC IF(CHANGING.well_operator) BEGIN UPDATE Petrel_SM.PetrelBorehole SET Operator = "NEW".well_operator WHERE uwi = "OLD".uwi; END END
Since PK does not updated, and you are using old value, it will update the correct row.
4. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
shawkins Mar 20, 2013 10:47 AM (in response to rareddy)1 of 1 people found this helpfulAnd just to take what Ramesh is saying one step further, you may need to account for all possible changes against a target, for example with two or more possible columns change you would have:
UPDATE ... SET col1 = "NEW".col1, col2 = "NEW".col2 ... WHERE pkcol1 = "OLD".pkcol1 ...;
5. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
jane_lj Aug 9, 2013 11:59 AM (in response to shawkins)Ramesh and Steven,
Recently we wrote the UPDATE prodecure as the syntax you told, the record got updated in VDB, but the filter doesn't work, all records got updated, should be only one. Any new changes since you told us this syntax?
This is the procedure we wrote:
UPDATE ... SET col1 = "NEW".col1, col2 = "NEW".col2 ... WHERE "NEW".pkcol1 = "OLD".pkcol1 ...;
(I added "NEW" in WHERE clause, because designer complains if I don't)
This is the update SQL we ran:
UPDATE tablename set col1= 'AAA', col2='BBB' where pkcol1= 'B1'
Please advise.
6. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
shawkins Aug 9, 2013 12:22 PM (in response to jane_lj)"NEW".pkcol1 = "OLD".pkcol1 simplly checks if the pkcol1 has changed for the row.
WHERE "NEW".pkcol1 = "OLD".pkcol1 ...
assuming table tbl, it should be
WHERE tbl.pkcol1 = "OLD".pkcol1 ...
7. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
jane_lj Aug 9, 2013 1:31 PM (in response to shawkins)Thanks, Steven.
I tried both tbl.pkcol1 and VM.tbl.pkcol1, designer gave me this error:
ERROR: TEIID31119 Symbol tbl.pkcol1 is specified with an unknown group context
ERROR: TEIID31119 Symbol VM.tbl.pkcol1 is specified with an unknown group context
Please advise.
8. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
shawkins Aug 9, 2013 1:40 PM (in response to jane_lj)It needs to be a column of the update target:
UPDATE x .... where x.pkcol1 = "OLD".pkcol1 ...
9. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
jane_lj Aug 9, 2013 1:51 PM (in response to shawkins)Thank you so much, Steven. It works now.
BTW, if in WHERE clause of update SQL, the columns are not PK columns, even several conditions combine, can this procedure also work? Or need to revise the procedure?
10. Re: FOR EACH ROW procedure for UPDATE
shawkins Aug 9, 2013 2:02 PM (in response to jane_lj)> if in WHERE clause of update SQL, the columns are not PK columns, even several conditions combine, can this procedure also work?
Regardless of the where clause (if any) used in your user sql, it will first determine the affected row set and then for each row process it against the instead of trigger. You may put any statements/where clauses you like in your instead of trigger it will simply execute for affected row.