0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 20, 2013 9:17 AM by kicolobo

    Configure a custom Infinispan loader in AS 7.1.1




      How can I configure a custom Infinispan loader with JBoss AS 7.1?


      We are migrating from AS 6 to 7, and are experiencing several problems on this area. In our case, we already have a custom loader for some of our caches which passivates the content of our caches using JPA.

      Using the graphical user interface of JBoss AS 7 in standard mode (HA profile), when changing the attribute "Store impl Class" of the "Store" tab on "Replicated caches" and hitting the "Save" button, the values simply are not changed on our configuration.


      What should we do? How can we configure a custom loader for Infinispan with JBoss 7.1 using XML instead, since the graphical manager appears to be broken?