3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 29, 2002 5:43 AM by dobblou

    JBoss/Hypersonic: how to inspect tables with SQL?



      I am reasonably new to JBoss, so please bear with me.
      My Entity bean creates a table upon startup, according to the log file. It names the table "user" which corresponds to the JAWS <ejb-name>. The JAWS <table-name> is "usertable". When I try to write some SQL to access the table named "usertable" I get an exception.

      So, what database, username and passwd is used by JBoss to create the table? And what is the table's name: "user" or "usertable"?

      See relevant code and log below:

      Many thanks,


      JDBCCommand] Init SQL: CREATE TABLE user (passwd VARCHAR(256),login VARCHAR(256),lastName VARCHAR(256),userId VARCHAR(256),firstName VARCHAR(256),middleInitial VARCHAR(256))
      JDBCCommand] Destroy SQL: DROP TABLE user
      JDBCCommand] Exists SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user WHERE userId=?

      It creates table "user", however in JAWS I named it "usertable".


      Next, I try to set some values using SQL:

      String driver = p.getProperty("driver","org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver");
      String url = p.getProperty("url","jdbc:hsqldb:");
      String database = p.getProperty("database","mas");
      String user = p.getProperty("user","sa");
      String password = p.getProperty("password","");


      "insert into usertable values ('Jlbakker', 'Jlbakker', 'Bakker', 'John-Luc','')"

      This results in:

      INFO [STDOUT] Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Table not found: USERTABLE in statement [insert into usertable values ('Jlbakker','Jlbakker','Bakker','John-Luc','')]

        • 1. Re: JBoss/Hypersonic: how to inspect tables with SQL?

          Dear all,

          I just checked "http://www.jboss.org/online-manual/HTML/ch04s04.html". With that information I will answer my own question and coin a new one.

          > I am reasonably new to JBoss & JDBC, so please bear
          > with me.
          > My Entity bean creates a table upon startup,
          > according to the log file. It names the table "user"
          > which corresponds to the JAWS <ejb-name>. The JAWS
          > <table-name> is "usertable". When I try to write
          > some SQL to access the table from a servlet
          > (bypassing the EJBs) named "usertable" I get a "table
          > not found" exception.

          My table gets the name specified by <ejb-name>. I should probably set <create-table> to false. That will tell JBOSS not to create the table with the <ejb-name>.

          Apparantly I misconceived a number of things here. So, why is this table with the ejb-name created anyway? In the LOG file, the CREATE TABLE is followed by "JDBCCommand] Destroy SQL: DROP TABLE user". Just like to know why I misunderstood this.

          > So, what database, username and passwd is used by
          > JBoss to create the table? And what is the table
          > name: "user" or "usertable"?

          Assuming the table is created by me and <create-table> is set to false, I should know the database and credentials.

          I am sorry for posting stuff that is mentioned in the online documentation. But, hey, the documentation was offline part of the day ...



          > See relevant code and log below:
          > Many thanks,
          > John-Luc
          > Here is the log fragment that lets me think the table
          > is created (it already exists).
          > JDBCCommand] Init SQL: CREATE TABLE user (passwd
          > VARCHAR(256),login VARCHAR(256),lastName
          > VARCHAR(256),userId VARCHAR(256),firstName
          > VARCHAR(256),middleInitial VARCHAR(256))
          > JDBCCommand] Destroy SQL: DROP TABLE user
          > JDBCCommand] Exists SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user
          > WHERE userId=?
          > It creates table "user", however in JAWS I named it
          > "usertable". See fragment of my jaws file:
          > <ejb-name>user</ejb-name>
          > <table-name>usertable</table-name>
          > Next, I try to set some values using SQL from an
          > servlet/application. This is my guess for the values
          > but I am sure the database property is wrong as I did
          > not instruct the EJB to create the table in the "mas"
          > database.
          > String driver =
          > p.getProperty("driver","org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver");
          > String url = p.getProperty("url","jdbc:hsqldb:");
          > String database = p.getProperty("database","mas");
          > String user = p.getProperty("user","sa");
          > String password = p.getProperty("password","");
          > This is the query:
          > "insert into usertable values ('Jlbakker',
          > 'Jlbakker', 'Bakker', 'John-Luc','')"
          > This results in:
          > INFO [STDOUT] Exception: java.sql.SQLException:
          > Table not found: USERTABLE in statement [insert into
          > usertable values
          > ('Jlbakker','Jlbakker','Bakker','John-Luc','')]

          • 2. Re: JBoss/Hypersonic: how to inspect tables with SQL?

            An open-source tool to see the content of Hypersonic DB is "iSQL" which can be found on www.sf.net.

            Have fun - Andy

            • 3. Re: JBoss/Hypersonic: how to inspect tables with SQL?

              I tried to use iSQL with JBoss 3.0 and got the an error saying the Hypersonic JDBC driver is not JDBC compliant.
              I tried with the JDBC driver from HSQLDB 1.7 and it didn't work either. Am I missing something? Accessing the DB through JBoss is fine.



              [01:39:31] iSQL-Viewer Console Ready...
              [01:39:33] Using class org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver Version 1.6
              [01:39:33] Driver States that it is not JDBC Compliant, Some Functions May Not Work Correctly
              [01:39:33] Error Occured While Attempting to change iSQL Services.
              [01:39:33] Exception :: SQLException(Connection-Exception :: Connection is broken: 1476,)
              [01:39:33] java.sql.SQLException: Connection-Exception :: Connection is broken: 1476,
              [01:39:33] at org.I00acres.lib.sql.DatabaseConnection.init(DatabaseConnection.java:433)
              [01:39:33] at org.I00acres.isql.forms.frmiSQLMain.performServiceChange(frmiSQLMain.java:879)
              [01:39:33] at org.I00acres.isql.forms.frmiSQLMain.promptForService(frmiSQLMain.java:1130)
              [01:39:33] at org.I00acres.isql.forms.frmiSQLMain.performQuery(frmiSQLMain.java:918)
              [01:39:33] at org.I00acres.isql.forms.frmiSQLMain.handleActionEvent(frmiSQLMain.java:693)
              [01:39:33] at org.I00acres.isql.forms.frmiSQLMain$ActionManagerHandler.actionPerformed(frmiSQLMain.java:1228)
              [01:39:33] at org.I00acres.lib.swing.ActionManager.processNextEvent(ActionManager.java:300)
              [01:39:33] at org.I00acres.lib.swing.ActionManager.run(ActionManager.java:251)
              [01:39:33] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
              [01:39:33] Connection to iSQL Service [myConnection] failed.
              [01:39:33] No Database Service Connection. Re-Connect To Your Service and Try Again.