1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 26, 2013 8:47 PM by amittelang1976

    Drools 5.0 heap size issue




      My environment details as below


      Drools   : Guvnor 5.0.

      App server : Weblogic 10.3 ( Cluster Environement)


      Through Guvnor UI creating pkg file and using this pkg file in my application.

      Each day we are getting atmost 4000-5000 requests. Each request is taking approx 100MB.


      Frequently we are getting out of memory issue.  Is this 100MB is normal? Since Server team pointed out defaultRulesRepositorySet is taking most of the heap space.


      Using StatefulSession. Inititally coded session as null to kill the session instead of calling dispose method. But we changed this to dispose method.

      But no improvement. Please suggest, how to aviod this memory leak?


