1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 28, 2013 11:54 AM by adietish

    error after push a application on openshift from jbossdeveloper


      hi all.

      i have  created from the web interface from web site openshift a diy application.

      Then i heve with jbossdeveloper imported the new application ( that i heve named tomee )


      Then i have modify it following the tomcat7 quick start on github.,

        i have commited the modify and i have pushed from the jbossdeveloper at openshift application .

      i have following the tutorial:


      THe import existenting application created  from web interface of openshift . it is that that i have make .


      but finally i get the following error:













      Running .openshift/action_hooks/deploy
      '[' -d /var/lib/openshift/51539fbae0b8cdbcb700004b/app-root/data//tomcat
      + cp -rf
      + cd
      + rm
      -rf logs
      + ln -s
      /var/lib/openshift/51539fbae0b8cdbcb700004b/diy-0.1/logs/ logs
      + sed -ig
      + cd
      + sed
      -ig s/OPENSHIFT_INTERNAL_IP/ conf/server.xml


      line 15: bin/startup.sh: Permission denied
      Failed to start
      Running .openshift/action_hooks/post_deploy



      into the .openshift/action_hooks/
      i have 6 fiels :









      the files above it recall the fiels of strtupo of tomee. and revrite thee variable for thte ipinternal and port .


      but if i understand it not can run the fiels above.


      The project from jdeveloper it is from my win7 machine ,
      I not can set chomd .x ( to make the fiel executabel) from windows not is possible.
      or i have erro int othe files?




      i have :

      1) create a diy applicatio non web site on openshift

      2) i have impoter int ojbossdeveloper the diy application from openshift

      3) i have downloaded the https://github.com/lulinqing/openshift-tomcat-quickstart like a zip

      4) i have modified my tomee project for use tomee . i have modified into the filess int othe .openshit/action_hooks the word tomcat with tomee.

      5) into the diy directory i have created a directory tomee and i have pasted into it the files of tomee

      6) i have copied the files server.xml and tomcat.user.xml and pasted  into dir conf of tomee

      7) i have added the tomee listener on server.xml copied form tomcat quickl start

      8) into the users.tomcat.xml i have added the user for tomee and manger-gui with usename and password.

      9 ) i have from the project added the fiels form team menu ogf jbossdeveloper

      10) i have form the tema menu commited and pushed at openshift


      but i get the error above .


      Help me please .


        • 1. Re: error after push a application on openshift from jbossdeveloper

          Hi Mauro


          The following clearly points me to the assumption that you dont have the execute permissions (chmod +x) on your hook-files/folders.

          line 15: bin/startup.sh: Permission denied

          Failed to start


          Earlier versions of the OpenShift tooling (<4.0.0.CR1, < 3.3.2) had this issue when merging the OpenShift application into an existing project (in your workspace): https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-13217

          https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-13217You're not merging but cloning into a new project in your workspace, I'm therefore wondering what resetted the x-persmission on your hooks. Do you know in what step this happened?

          In step 3 you say

          3) i have downloaded the https://github.com/lulinqing/openshift-tomcat-quickstart like a zip

          I dont follow you completely here. Your url points to a git-repo, how would you "download like a zip"? Depending on the exact operation you did there I guess that this is when it happened.


          You should be able to very easily correct the missing permissions. Simply go to the file-/folder-properties and check the "execute" permissions in the appropriate windows dialog.


          If you still think that this is an issue in our tooling, then I'd appreciate a lot if you could file an issue against our isse tracker at: issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE 


