0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 1, 2013 4:35 PM by bala3321

    RichFaces4.2.3 Treeview - Browser becomes unresponsive


      I'm using rich:tree for rendering treeview in our web project. Huge volume of data needs to be rendered in the tree view so there are almost 2500 leaf nodes. The tree view is getting rendered properly, but when i try to expand/collapse multiple nodes the browser becomes hung.

      Experienced the same issue in IE9 and FF 19 and not able to find a solution for this.

      we have requirement to develop the project with: JSF - Spring - Oracle DB. I  tried jquery - jstree for rendering only the tree view, but of no help and facing the same issue.  We have other funtionalities in the project for which richfaces components are used.


      In IE getting the alert as

      "Stop running this script?


      A script on this page is causing your web browser to run slowly.

      If it continues to run, your computer might become



      Experienced the same issue in IE9 and FF19 and not able to find a solution for this.

      Is there a possible way to render 1000s of records in treeView without performance issues? Any possible solution is greately appreciated.


