1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 4, 2013 6:41 AM by mabu2

    setPropertyActionListener sets reference to source instead of copying data


      I would like to edit the row content of my datatable. The code is nearly the same as in the showcase.

      With setPropertyActionListener I "write" the contents of the row variable into a bean variable, open an edit pane. All the entry fields of that edit pane refer to this separate bean variable. But when I close the pane (without saving!) the contents of the row variable is changed!


      I debugged with eclipse and set a breakpoint at the save method. There I could see too, that the list containing the data of the datatable already has the values of the edit pane before the code is executed.


      Seems that setPropertyActionListener sets a reference to the original variable instead of copy the contents.


      Environment: RF4.2.2


      Does anyone have any suggestions? Whats going wrong?

