I need to upload an xml file asset into Guvnor and it seems that the only way to do this is through webdav (e.g. from Eclipse) or REST api.
When I define a new xml asset (File extension/format = 'xml') using Guvnor web interface (Knowledge Bases tab -> Create New -> Create a file.), the created asset is added to 'XML, Properties' list but no editor / upload dialog appears.
Guvnor's REST api indicates that the asset has been created (url 'http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/rest/packages/defaultPackage/assets/{asset_name}' returns proper asset descriptor) but it's inaccessible through Guvnor's web interface - clicking 'Open' has no effect.
I'm using Guvnor 5.5.0.Final (last stable build - from the full installer package).
Is that some known issue ? Has it been fixed / reported to JIRA ?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.