2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 30, 2013 11:21 AM by atran

    jBPM-Designer plugin creation not working




      I would like to extend the web designer following the Oryx tutorial (https://code.google.com/p/oryx-editor/wiki/HowToDevelopAnEditorPlugin). I followed the steps:

      -creation of newFile.js (is a copy of undo.js)

      -registering it into plugins.xml


      But the new plugin doesn't create another icon in the toolbar. If I modify the undo.js by adding another undo icons, it works. I searched for hours into the many js and java code, but I don't know what I should do more. I even guessed I might have to add a line at default.xml, jbpm.xml or epn.xml but it doesn't work either.


      Is the tutorial still working for you? Thank you.

        • 1. Re: jBPM-Designer plugin creation not working

          may be it can help you. Copy files from zip in you designer.war

          This plugin add button on panel. Onclick open window with two tabs. Button "OK" - don't work, button "Cancel" - close window.

          for answer 2.png


          ../js/Plugins/tiny_mce.js - new plugin file. Plugin contains button

          ../images/tinymce.png - picture for button

          ../js/Plugins/plugins.xml -  add row <plugin source="tiny_mce.js" name="ORYX.Plugins.TinyMCE"/>

          ../js/Plugins/profiles.xml - <plugin name="ORYX.Plugins.TinyMCE"/> - perhaps unnecessary

          ../profiles/jbpm.xml -  add row <plugin name="ORYX.Plugins.TinyMCE"/>

          • 2. Re: jBPM-Designer plugin creation not working

            Thank you Sergey, it worked !


            I think I understand why it didn't work before: I had to redeploy the war. Now even if I copy a plugin it works.


            I also confirm that jbpm.xml and plugins.xml have to be modified, contrary to profile.xml.